Fullmetal Alchemist (2008)


Volume 19

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 19 (2008)

Author/Artist: Hiromu Arakawa
Publisher: Gangan Comics

General Armstrong is recalled to Central to account for the disappearance of General Raven.

Having General Armstrong face Bradley is rather tense and we have some secret squirrel stuff between Lieutenant Hawkeye and Colonel Mustang. Ed takes on Kimblee and it turns into a grand mess. A big chunk of the volume is devoted to Hohenheim's backstory, which better contextualizes the character. Back in the present, he has an encounter with Izumi and from there, goes to Reole, tying everything back to the start of the series. I do like how Arakawa keeps bringing back characters and locations so that very little feels inconsequential and the world is more of an interconnected living being.

If you're looking for big action, Ed versus Kimblee and the chimeras is where it's at. Hohenheim's backstory gives us a change of pace with the setting and his later faceoff with Pride is rather good.

As with last time, we only have one 4-koma for bonus content.

I really appreciate this volume for what it does for Hohenheim's character. Who he is and what his motivations are have been unclear until now, so shedding some light on it all is quite welcome. Definitely give this one a read.

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