A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)

A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child (1989)

Director: Stephen Hopkins
Starring: Lisa Wilcox, Robert Englund, Kelly Jo Minter

Freddy returns to torment Alice, seeking to enter the physical world through her unborn child.

Doing a sort of Rosemary's Baby thing with Freddy was actually one of the ideas for the second film and we see it play out here. What we get is a bit of a slog with some neat dream sequences, occasionally dodgy effects, and somewhat bogged-down lore. It's sort of like what Rocky V is for the Rocky franchise, maligned by many but with enough merit for me to feel like watching it wasn't a waste of my time. I'd originally planned to rate the previous film lower, but I think this one sufficiently crosses the line to warrant me saying take it or leave it.
