Dragon Half (1993)


Dragon Half (1993)

Director: Shinya Sadamitsu
Studio: Production IG
Starring: Kotono Mitsuishi, Mariko Koda, Taeko Yamada
Episodes: 2

A half-dragon girl pursues her dream of meeting the idol singer Dick Saucer, who also happens to be a renowned dragonslayer.

In the early 90s there were a lot of two-episode OAVs being released. It seemed that the idea was just to test the waters with a number of different properties to see what stuck. Very little did. And while this particular OAV didn't make much of a splash in its native country (prompting the studio to cut it off at two episodes instead of the originally planned four), it was quite popular in North America during the anime boom of the mid- to late 90s because fans were gobbling up just about anything they could get. It's a goofy story featuring a lot of recognizable seiyuu talent from the era. Whereas something like Slayers tried to balance comedy and drama, this is pretty much straight comedy that relies on a constant barrage of gags. If the humor clicks with you, it's pretty enjoyable. The rapid-fire ending theme sung by Kotono Mitsuishi to the tune of Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 is perhaps the most memorable thing about it. It's definitely worth giving a watch at the very least.

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