Ao-chan Can't Study! (2019)


Ao-chan Can't Study! (2019)

Director: Keisuke Inoue
Studio: Silver Link
Starring: Azumi Waki, Junta Terashima, Kenjiro Tsuda
Episodes: 12

The daughter of an erotic novelist has trouble focusing on her studies when a classmate takes an interest in her and her hyperactive imagination takes over.

I believe I first saw this under its English title, which lacks the critical "Midara na" ("lewd") part of the original Japanese to indicate what kind of person the protagonist is. I wasn't on board at first, but the show grew on me after a few episodes. It's amusing having the female lead be the more perverted half of the main couple in contrast with the image she tries to project, but it's hard to blame her given the environment she was raised in. Kijima's comparative purity is actually rather adorable. Ao's belligerent friendship with Miyabi is pretty entertaining as well. As for Ao's father, he's similar to Ranma 1/2's Happousai, which I hate, but it's fun to see the contrast when he switches to Kejiro Tsuda's usual deep and serious voice (and, honestly, he has his moments when he's actually a decent parent). The episodes are half-length, but the stories fit well into the container they're given. Even with the premise, the show is actually tamer than most ecchi romcoms. It's nothing outstanding, but it's an enjoyable enough watch if you're in the mood for a slightly raunchy comedy. Give it a shot.

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