Night of the Comet (1984)

Night of the Comet (1984)

Director: Thom Eberhardt
Starring: Catherine Mary Stewart, Kelli Maroney, Robert Beltran

A comet mysteriously turns almost all the people on Earth to dust, leaving only a handful of survivors, some of them ravening zombies.

I didn't know what to expect with this movie, but it actually turned out to be fairly interesting. Besides being very 80s, it plays with some of the tropes of zombie fiction. I wouldn't quite call it a parody, but there are some comedic elements that lighten the mood a bit. You have two relatively strong female leads and a lot of the dialog has a fairly natural feel to it. Usually in a movie like this you'd expect stilted performances across the board, but there are some points where it all flows really smoothly. The action isn't bad. I like how they managed to work the real-life issues with the MAC-10s into the script. Scifi fans will take note of The Last Starfighter's Catherine Mary Stewart and Star Trek Voyager's Robert Beltran as Regina and Hector respectively. Don't expect it to be an outstanding film, but it's solid and a good watch.

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