Fullmetal Alchemist (2002)


Volume 1

Fullmetal Alchemist - Volume 1 (2002)

Author/Artist: Hiromu Arakawa
Publisher: Gangan Comics

A young alchemist and his brother travel the country in search of clues to reverse the effects of an experiment gone wrong.

A blond vagabond with artificial limbs wearing a red longcoat wanders about the wasteland doing good deeds. Yes, when you frame it like that, it sounds a bit like Trigun. Here at the start of the story, it has a somewhat similar feel. I'll admit to not being all that impressed. It's one of the first times I've really felt a shounen series really is geared to its target demographic. That's not to say it's bad, just that the storytelling doesn't feel all that mature. Your mileage may vary, but I will say that the writing picks up after the first few volumes, so if the premise has your interest, it's worth sticking with it. I like the mystery behind what happened with the Elrics and the mix of science and magic that comprises alchemy in the story.

The art style is solid and generally appealing. It does its job well and Arakawa's skill level is definitely well above average, but there's nothing that really grabs me like some artists do.

Every volume has different cover art under the dust cover. On the spine we get the volume's fatalities, so be aware of that if you're wanting to avoid spoilers. Other features include a one-page bonus panel, 4-koma gag strips and a gag panel with Arakawa's avatar with the staff credits.

I'll admit that I had a somewhat tepid reception to this volume, but it is solid and I can tell you that things get better, so it's worth sticking around even if you aren't bowled over by the start. Give this a read at the very least.

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