Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki OAVs (2021)


Season 1

Bottom-Tier Character Tomozaki - Season 1 OAVs (2021)

Director: Shinsuke Yanagi
Studio: Project No. 9
Starring: Gen Sato, Hisako Kanemoto, Ikumi Hasegawa
Episodes: 2

When her classmates show up at the restaurant where she works, Fuuka doesn't know how to approach them.

These two bonus episodes don't add anything significant plotwise, but they offer some nice character moments. The first is Fuuka-centric, which is always welcome, and we get to see her perspective on the gang. The second focuses on how Tama got roped into Aoi and Mimimi's circle of friends. It's nice light viewing that fans of the series should appreciate, so give it a watch.

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