Demon Lord, Retry! (2019)


Demon Lord, Retry! (2019)

Director: Hiroshi Kimura
Studio: Ekachi Epilka
Starring: Kenjiro Tsuda, Kanon Takao, Kaori Ishihara
Episodes: 12

The creator/administrator of Infinity Game finds himself trapped inside his creation, occupying the body of his main character.

Ugh. There's so much isekai trash this season. Now, this is probably where you're expecting me to open up on this with both barrels. Well, for those of you who like more vitriolic reviews, I don't generally stick with TV series I don't like. Despite this story basically taking Overlord's premise and giving us a Rem knockoff as the lead female, I actually found myself getting drawn into this story. Make no mistake that it's nothing amazing, but it feels less like the insipid wish fulfillment fantasies of most isekai trash. There's a bit of KonoSuba's sense of humor, though not quite as effective, and an amusingly quirky cast. I do like that while the MC is overpowered, most of the story is devoted to economic management, somewhat like TenSura, though not as in-depth as MaoYuu. Kunai is limited by SP and in-world currency and his goals go beyond simple conquest, beat the baddie, etc. Production values aren't great, but the bad animation is sometimes part of the fun. I'll give the series credit for keeping me entertained. Unless you're just dead-set against any more isekai, it's well enough worth a watch.

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