Bunny Drop (2011)


Bunny Drop (2011)

Director: Kanta Kamei
Studio: Production IG
Starring: Hiroshi Tsuchida, Ayu Matsuura, Noa Sakai
Episodes: 11

After the death of his grandfather, a bachelor decides to take care of his grandfather's illegitimate daughter when no one else in the family will.

The title of this series came up in passing and I decided to look into it. I thought I'd heard about it before and once I saw spoilers for the manga, I remembered. So, here's the deal. We're not going to talk about the manga unless I decide to review it at a later date. We're just going to look at the eleven episodes we have here and judge it on its merits. (And if I tell you not to look at how things turn out in the manga, you'll look into it just as I did because that's how human psychology works.)

Anyway, from what we get here... is amazing, an incredibly sweet slice-of-life about the ups and downs of parenting, especially single parenting. It helps that Rin is so well-behaved and fairly mature for her age, because if she was a little hellion, it would try the audience's patience as much as Daikichi's. Daikichi lucks out and has quite the little angel and the two of them share a charming bond. It reminds me a lot of Yotsuba&!, which is high praise. It doesn't shy away from the personal and professional costs of raising a child but nevertheless remains optimistic on the whole. The art style is simple yet appealing and the mini episode before the OP is rendered in a watercolor style similar to My Neighbors the Yamadas, which is a neat touch. I liked this quite a lot and would gladly recommend adding it to your collection. As for the manga... well, we may have a discussion about that at a later date.

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