I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying (2014)


Season 1

I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying - Season 1 (2014)

Director: Shinpei Nagai
Studio: Seven
Starring: Yukari Tamura, Kenichi Suzumura, Sayaka Horino
Episodes: 13

An ordinary woman marries an otaku and hilarity ensues.

Based off a 4-koma series by Coolkyousinnjya, the mind behind Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, this micro-series does an impressive amount of storytelling in it three-and-a-half-minute runtime per episode. As the eponymous husband is an otaku, there are plenty of references, which makes for good fun. There's also a fair bit of heart, which makes for some nice poignant moments amid the comedy. I enjoyed it quite a bit and I'm sure you will too. By all means, give this a watch.

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