Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid (2017)


Volume 6

Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Volume 5 (2016)

Author/Artist: Coolkyousinnjya
Publisher: Action Comics

Tohru seeks help to find a way to help Kobayashi relax.

We start with Tohru consulting Takiya and Elma on how to help Kobayashi relax, then we have Kobayashi and Tohru take Kanna and Saikawa to an amusement park, a two-parter where Ilulu gets a job. After that, Tohru seeks help to design a maid outfit for Kobayashi, then Takiya has to deal with Fafnir ahead of a visit by his folks, Elma tries agitating for better working conditions (and we're introduced to the boss), Tohru gives a magic lesson to the little ones, and we close on a two-parter about Tohru's past leading up to her fateful first encounter with Kobayashi. That final two-parter in particular is rather rich with lore, so that's nice.

The art is what you'd expect. The granny who runs the dagashiya has a rather wonky design. I do like how bright-eyed and harmless Kobayashi's boss looks. We get an even smaller version of Kanna from the flashback, as if she wasn't already threatening to bust the adorablometer.

In the afterword, the author talks about settling on character designs in light of the anime and the spinoffs being made and shows some alternate designs for Kobayashi's maid outfit and Tohru's outfit from the maid cafe, as well as an illustration of the other dragons in maid outfits like Tohru's usual costume.

Ilulu's two-parter gives her some good character development and I really liked the Tohru flashback two-parter at the end. Fans are no doubt going to want this volume. It's worth a read at the very least.

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