A Man for All Seasons (1966)

A Man for All Seasons (1966)

Director: Fred Zinnemann
Starring: Paul Scofield, Wendy Hiller, Robert Shaw

Sir Thomas More is appointed Lord Chancellor and comes into conflict with King Henry when he decides to create himself as the head of the Church of England.

This really is a superbly written and acted film. Paul Scofield is amazing as the (usually) soft-spoken but rock solid Sir Thomas More (for which he rightly won an Oscar) and Robert Shaw plays Henry VIII with aplomb (well worth the nom for Best Supporting Actor). Now, you might say this treatment borders on hagiography, but given that the Catholic Church canonized Sir Thomas, I think it's not too surprising. That being said, he isn't painted as a perfect man but definitely as a good one, dedicated to his beliefs but not so reckless as to race to martyrdom, bringing down everyone around him as he goes. If you like stories of political intrigue, there's plenty to be had. This was the first big film role for John Hurt as Richard Rich and Orson Welles in a small role as Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. I highly recommend this film. By all means, see it.

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