Inuyasha (1999)


Volume 9

Inuyasha - Volume 9 (1999)

Author/Artist: Rumiko Takahashi
Publisher: Shounen Sunday Comics

Inuyasha and the gang investigate a man-eating hermit, then pursue rumors of Shikon fragments being safeguarded by a village of youkai slayers.

Takahashi really brings the goods here. Now, you know I'm a big fan of hers. I own almost everything she's published. That being said, I would argue that the two stories in this volume are not only among the best in this series but also in the grand total of everything she's written. The Toukajin story would've been fairly trivial if it hadn't taken place during the new moon, but with Inuyasha being reduced to his human form and Miroku being sidelined really intensify the stakes. Toukajin is also one of the more delightfully wicked villains this side of Naraku. We then follow it with the introduction of Sango, a character I really like, and the tragedy that unfolds around her. It's got a lot of punch to it, possibly the most impact you're going to see.

Toukajin has a rather unique character design that adds to his creep factor. His fight with Inuyasha is quite the bloody mess. And then we have some of the most effective visual storytelling I've seen with Sango's story. Amazingly well done.

This is perhaps the most powerful volume of the entire series. The Toukajin story is very effective and the tragedy of Sango and the other youkai slayers is arguably the pinnacle of Takahashi's narrative prowess. I've generally been saying each volume is worth owning up to now, but this one deserves and even more emphatic endorsement. This is some of the best storytelling I've seen in manga and should be regarded accordingly.

Treasure It