Death Note (2005)


Volume 7

Death Note - Volume 7 (2005)

Author: Tsugumi Ohba
Artist: Takeshi Obata
Publisher: Jump Comics

With the third Kira cornered, Light moves in for the checkmate.

I won't get into the details because that would rob you of seeing the payoff for yourself, but it's no secret that Light has had a plan running in the background all this time. Well, we finally get to see his master stroke and it's brilliant. Honestly, I kinda wish the series ended here, because the next and final arc of the story isn't nearly as good. It's still worthwhile, yes, but it pales in comparison to the first two. (Ironically, it covers a longer stretch of the series' overall length.) We start the new arc after a timeskip and we get introduced to Mello and Near. Now, I really don't like Mello and I'm not much of a fan of Near either, but these are the two we're stuck with. Best get used to it.

We get some really great panels for the climax and there are a number of other nice moments as well, such as Misa's reunion with Ryuk. Near's design is decent, but I can't help wanting to punch Mello whenever I see his stupid face, but maybe I should credit Obata for giving a look that fits the character so well.

I think it's fair to say the conclusion of the second arc is the pinnacle of the entire series and while in retrospect I don't like the third arc very much, it has a promising enough start. Definitely for the sake of seeing Light's plan come together, this volume is well worth having.

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