Jaws III (1983)

[Jaws 3-D]

Jaws III (1983)

Director: Joe Alves
Starring: Dennis Quaid, Bess Armstrong, Simon MacCorkindale

Michael Brody, who now works at Sea World with his marine biologist girlfriend, has to deal with a rogue shark loose in the park.

When sequelitis starts to set in, you'll see the original creator(s) credited with something like "based on the characters by", but this one takes the cake with "Suggested By the Novel JAWS By PETER BENCHLEY" in the opening credits. Because this movie was originally 3-D, there are a number of gimmicky shots that hang for far too long and look absolutely terrible. Surprisingly, though, the story—while not great—isn't that terrible and the early stuff with the core quartet is actually pretty good. I also like how Louis Gossett Jr.'s character—while a businessman interested in the park turning a profit—isn't a needlessly obstructive bureaucrat when things get serious. Perhaps because my expectations were already low, in some ways I kinda prefer this to Jaws II. You won't miss much if you skip it, but so long as you don't expect too much from it, you may not find it to be that bad.
