Jason X (2002)

Jason X (2002)

Director: James Isaac
Starring: Kane Hodder, Lexa Doig, Lisa Ryder

After an attempt to contain Jason in cryostasis goes awry, a scientist is reanimated 455 years in the future, but she is not alone.

The script to this movie was part of my study materials when I tried to become a script doctor and it actually had me fairly interested. I tried watching the finished product a few years later and gave up maybe about 20 minutes in. Well, this time I sat through the whole thing and what a mess. I'll give them credit for holding out on going to space until the tenth entry, which is better than the Hellraiser and Leprechaun franchises. However, a scifi action story was clearly too ambitious a concept for them. It all looks incredibly cheap, like a Syfy Original, and it doesn't have a decent plot or characters to shore up the technical weaknesses. That being said, it's so silly that I nearly enjoyed it as much as 5. Not so bad it's good but so bad it's mildly amusing. There are some grains of potential here, but there isn't that much of substance to chew on, but welcome to the Friday the 13th series. About the most credit I can give is to Peter Mensah as Sergeant Brodski. What a champ. If you're just willing to laugh along to the goofy nonsense, it might just crack into the "take it or leave it" territory, but I don't think most people are going to be that generous and I don't think I will either. Pass on it.

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