Camel Spiders (2011)

Camel Spiders (2011)

Director: Jim Wynorski
Starring: Brian Krause, C Thomas Howell, Melissa Brasselle

An Army captain escorting the body of a member of his unit unwittingly brings along deadly camel spiders that ravage a near ghost town in Arizona.

I wasn't expecting anything from this movie and my expectations weren't quite set low enough. This low-budget SyFy Channel schlockfest barely rates at the level of a student film. The effects are laughably bad, so bad that the acting almost seems decent by comparison. Despite only being a 90-minute film, it feels too long and has unnecessary subplots that weaken the focus, not that the subject matter is compelling enough for you to clamor for greater focus. Maybe you might want to watch this for riffing material, but otherwise it'd be more productive to stare at a blank screen for an hour and a half.

Avoid It