Deadpool 2 (2018)

Deadpool 2 (2018)

Director: David Leitch
Starring: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin

Deadpool forms a team to rescue a mutant child and protect him from a soldier from the future who is trying to kill him.

As you know, I rather enjoyed the first Deadpool, so I was looking forward to this and I have to say, I wasn't disappointed. We get more of the over-the-top violence and fourth wall-breaking in-jokes that made the first movie so much fun. Ryan Reynolds continues to own the role of Deadpool and our main foil this time is the comically serious Cable played by Josh Brolin. (Have fun comparing and contrasting with his recent portrayal of Thanos in Infinity War.) We get to see the X-Force being formed and I rather enjoyed Zazie Beetz as Domino. Also, Shioli Kutsuna as Yukio is adorable. I was also rather impressed with the sort of passion young Julian Dennison was able to put into the role of Firefist.

The action set pieces won't disappoint in the slightest and there are also moments of genuine pathos that shouldn't work in a movie like this but do. Now, they do take a certain step early in the film to set up the plot and I won't get into it for spoiler reasons, but while it was the obvious choice to get the character motivations where they needed to be, it wasted some potential. That's honestly about the only knock I have against it.

In the final tally, fans of the first film should have plenty to be happy about, but if you weren't on board before, I don't think this is going to change your mind. If you're the kind of person this kind of film appeals to, definitely give it a watch.

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