Isle of Dogs (2018)


Isle of Dogs (2018)

Director: Wes Anderson
Starring: Bryan Cranston, Koyu Rankin, Edward Norton

An outbreak of disease is used as an excuse for a corrupt mayor to expel dogs to a trash dump island. Meanwhile, the mayor's ward travels to the island in search of his dog.

Wes Anderson's sense of humor appeals to me. I really loved Fantastic Mr. Fox, so when I heard about this movie, I was eager to give it a shot. I enjoyed it. It was funny and on a technical level, it was rather impressive. In Fantastic Mr. Fox, they had the animals speak in American English while the humans spoke in British English. This idea is taken farther here with the dogs speaking English while (most) of the humans speak Japanese, occasionally without subtitles. It was a neat way to approach the language divide between our two species (though the effect is lessened if you're bilingual). Anyway, I'd definitely recommend giving it a watch.

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