Moonfall (2022)

Moonfall (2022)

Director: Roland Emmerich
Starring: Halle Berry, Patrick Wilson, John Bradley

A fringe astronomer teams up with a disgraced astronaut to try to save the world once the moon goes out of orbit.

You might've thought Roland Emmerich would've been done with his schtick after 2012, but he's still at it with all the hallmarks of his films, the fringe theories, the monumental destruction, and the intense hatred of stepfathers. You either like his movies as turn-off-your-brain entertainment or as prime riffing material, or you hate them as rock-stupid nonsense with idiotic plots, shallow characterization and some serious personal issues bleeding onto the screen. How you take it is up to you, but if you've seen his big destruction films, you know what you're in for and whether you'll like it or not. The big spectacle picture has become trite these days with the glut of the MCU and the like, so there's not really a unique experience to be had here, but if you're just wanting your Double Quarter-Pounder with Cheese from McDonald's, this is it. You know if you're in the mood for it or not, so take it or leave it.
