Red vs. Blue (2005-2006)

Season 4

Red vs. Blue - Season 4 (2005-2006)

Director: Burnie Burns
Studio: Rooster Teeth
Starring: Geoff Ramsey, Gustavo Sorola, Burnie Burns
Episodes: 20

The Reds settle back into Blood Gulch while the Blues deal with the alien that has invaded O'Malley's base.

For most of this season, the Reds and Blues are separated, so if you were liking the combinations from the previous season, you're going to miss that. However, the addition of Crunchbite and Tucker's quest are worthwhile. Also, we once again end on a pretty good cliffhanger. Much like Season 2, this feels more like a bridge in the plot, but it's still well worth seeing. Fans will of course want this in their collection as well.

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