Nisekoi (2014-2015)


Nisekoi OAVs (2014-2015)

Director: Akiyuki Shinbo
Studio: Shaft
Starring: Koki Uchiyama, Nao Toyama, Kana Hanazawa
Episodes: 3

When Raku helps Ruri look for her glasses, she sees it as an opportunity to lead him to realize Onodera's interest in him.

Each of these three episodes is broken into two separate stories. There is some good comedy and character moments. Interestingly, in all three episodes, I consider the second story to be the funnier one. The third episode brings in Onodera's sister Haru and Tsumugi's kouhai Paula before they're introduced in the second season, but that shouldn't be too much of an issue. Speaking of the third episode, it's half sentou and half onsen (and not the first series to do both in a single OAV episode, the greedy swine). If you're a fan, these are worth checking out. If not, they're not going to change your mind about anything.

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