Strike the Blood II (2016-2017)

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Strike the Blood II (2016-2017)

Director: Hideyo Yamamoto
Studio: Silver Link, Connect
Starring: Yoshimasa Hosoya, Rina Taneda, Asami Seto
Episodes: 8

Kojou and the gang get a special invitation to the resort park Blue Elysium, where they encounter an escaped test subject.

I suppose if there's anything I can credit this series for, it's consistency. Both the things I like and the things I don't like continue at an even pace without one overtaking the other. I guess what I like is strong enough to keep me going. As the series has switched to an OAV release, it's slightly more explicit but not overly so, though I'm not a fan of some of the younger (or younger-appearing) characters getting mixed up in ecchi situations. If you've been following along up to this point, you know how you feel about the series. I don't think fans will have much reason to fall away, not will non-fans have much reason to hop aboard. For me, at least, I'll say it's worth a watch.

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