Strike the Blood: Kingdom of the Valkyria (2015)

[ストライク・ザ・ブラッド ヴァルキュリアの王国篇]

Strike the Blood: Kingdom of the Valkyria (2015)

Director: Hideyo Yamamoto
Studio: Silver Link, Connect
Starring: Yoshimasa Hosoya, Rina Taneda, Asami Seto
Episodes: 2

La Folia is targeted during a trip to Itogami Island by the Aldegyrian Royal Family.

This is an anime-original story written by the series creator that would later be reworked into the 18th light novel. Without spoiling too much, Kojou undergoes a brief personality change you might lament because, honestly, he's more interesting that way than he normally is. There isn't the same level of censorship as the TV series, but this isn't exploited too much (for better or worse, depending on your inclinations). It doesn't have quite as much punch as the arcs from the main series, but it's a decent enough watch and fans should enjoy it well enough.

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