Assault Lily: Bouquet (2020)

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Assault Lily: Bouquet (2020)

Director: Shouji Saeki, Hajime Otani
Studio: Shaft
Starring: Hikaru Akao, Yuko Natsuyoshi, Makako Izawa
Episodes: 12

A girl enrolls in the elite Yurigaoka Academy in order to become a Lily, a magic warrior capable of fighting a threat to humanity known as the Huge.

This series blends magical action with some light yuri in a girls' school. The use of transforming melee weapons with ranged attack functions reminds me a bit of RWBY if that reference is in any way useful to you. The cast is fairly appealing and the action sequences are nicely animated. The cast is a bit overlarge, though, to the point where they use name cards for the characters every episode, and a lot of interesting plot developments aren't given time enough time to breathe. The cast thing may have something to with the franchise's origin as a toy line. Even though it did not make the most of it's potential, it was still an enjoyable watch and it's worth giving a shot.

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