Chapter 12
The Appeal
Belmondo, Tri-Border Region

The Cataclysm very nearly dealt a deathblow to the world. If it can be likened to a grievous wound, then the War of the Thirteen Thrones would have been the coup de grâce had it been allowed to run its course. Thankfully, it was intervention by the Grand Archimago Belmond Weiss that broke the fangs of the dogs of war and forced the nations to sue for peace. And so the League of Noble Houses was founded, granting the ruling families a forum to settle their disputes diplomatically before resorting to warfare. The League did not end all conflicts, but it provided a strong discouragement for warmongers as part of the League charter advocated collective retribution against any aggressors. If you started a war against one state, you were likely to find the whole world against you.
More than anything, though, the peace was maintained because there simply were not enough resources to spare on warfare and the terms of the League charter made it too risky to gamble what little you had to try to get your hands on something that would most likely never be yours. The mage economy, as directed by the Mages' Guilds, served to redirect a lot of the energy that would otherwise be devoted to war. However, with the guilds disbanded and the mage economy wiped out, the kindling was piling up and this latest incident could well be the spark that set the world on fire once more.
While the League's representatives debated their response, Mihail Samuhel, formerly of the Salamander Mages' Guild, was there to speak on behalf of the now-defunct Mages' Guilds. Though the guilds were no longer permitted to operate under the Mage Ban, most members remained in contact in the hopes of quickly rebuilding once the Mage Ban was repealed.
Master Samuhel's family had long served the Viscount of Tosic, where the Salamander Guild was headquartered, which gave him access to the House League Parliament few other mages had. It was all thanks to the patronage of House Pushko that he could speak this day.
The President of the Assembly rotated from one nation to the next on a yearly basis. This year it was Priemus Fuhrst, representing House Aurbach of Eisenberg. What was there to say about him? Any one of these representatives was not so different from the next, all lawyers and career bureaucrats with their starched collars and stuffy bearing.
"The chair recognizes Master Mihail Samuhel, formerly of the Salamander Mages' Guild."
Master Samuhel approached to podium and took a moment to survey the representatives before he began to speak.
"My lords and ladies, and the distinguished gentlemen of the Assembly, I want to thank you for affording me the opportunity to speak with you this day. We are facing challenging times, a situation without precedent. The noble houses you represent are all working on a response to this situation, but you are doing so with only one hand."
He held up his right hand to illustrate his point.
"You have another hand you have sealed away, a hand that could be of great help during these times."
He then raised his left hand. The choice was quite deliberate. Many of the assembled personages would not appreciate being represented by the left hand. It showed humility by taking the sinister upon himself, but it could also be taken as an admission of guilt. For those who would take the latter meaning, there was nothing Master Samuhel could say or do to make them more favorably disposed toward him or the people he represented.
"It was fear that brought about the Mage Ban," he continued, "fear of the tragedy that could come of magic used for ill. One rogue mage brought down an entire system that helped sustain our world since the Great War. The world needs that system to unravel the mystery of the current situation."
"A situation caused by your kind!" a voice from the Assembly shouted out of turn.
It was Tarek al-Kabir, the grandson of Sheikh Jamal of Shamshir. Sheikh Jamal was one of the few who personally attended the sessions of the House League Parliament rather than sending a representative, but that was because Belmondo offered certain pleasures his homeland did not. He presented himself as a hoary ascetic to the public, but he was actually quite the libertine. He could no longer project his voice as he once could, so the foreign-educated Tarek spoke for him.
Sheikh Jamal had been one of the strongest advocates of the Mage Ban. Some suspected that there was an ulterior motive, a way to upset the balance of power by undercutting the more magically developed nations. Regardless of his motive, he would be a major obstacle to Master Samuhel's proposal.
The President pounded his gavel to call the Assembly back to order. Without engaging Sheikh Jamal or his mouthpiece, Master Samuhel resumed his speech.
"The incident that has led to the current situation is almost certainly of magic origin. Magic problems require magic solutions. To that end, I propose a swift repeal of the Mage Ban and the reinstitution of the Mages' Guilds so that we can coordinate with local and regional authorities to uncover the source of these irregularities and take the appropriate measures to resolve the situation."
He was by necessity speaking vaguely, as the exact nature of the situation was under dispute with a number of people flatly denying the most likely possibility. Who wanted to believe that legions of Ancients had been awakened from a 300-year curse? It would turn the world on its head. If any of them could reactivate or recreate Lost Technology, it would kick off an arms race, with every nation looking to leap ahead of the others. The delicate peace which had held for so long would be shattered and the world plunged into the fires of war once more.
The inhuman yet pragmatic solution would be the extermination of these possible Ancients before they could be used as tools of war, but the lure of their knowledge was too strong. The Mages' Guilds had long been the custodians of considerable knowledge and power, and it would only be fitting to assume that role again. Also, magic had best chance of standing against the technology of the Old World. Without the guilds to stand against the threat posed by the Ancients, what did the nations of the world intend to do?
Master Samuhel meant to address all this, but he had to be careful how he went about doing so.
"I know there is much fear and confusion in your lands," he said. "I will not deny the potential for danger, but this could just as easily be a blessing. The Mages' Guild have been plumbing the depths of the unknown since their inception and they are the best equipped to handle either scenario.
"I am not asking you to tear down all the measures you have taken to safeguard your people from the abuse of magic. In exchange for our reinstatement, the Mages' Guilds are prepared to operate under the supervision of ARCANUM. And rather than call for the Witch-hunters to be disbanded, we would offer to provide liaisons from the guilds to be assigned to the police to ensure closer cooperation in the investigation and apprehension of rogue mages.
"I ask for some perspective. The vast majority of mages are wholly innocent of the excesses that led to the Vigau Incident and have been fully compliant with the restrictions placed on them since the Mage Ban was instituted. We have shown our good faith and obedience to civil authorities. We now ask for a measure of trust, to be given a second chance to serve our nations and our peoples, not only in pursuit of a resolution to the current situation but any that would arise in the future as well.
"It is not only mages but all people who have suffered under the restrictions of the Mage Ban. We can recapture our former glory while meeting the challenges that emerge... together. We are not two but one. Let us go forward together as one for the prosperity of us all. I pray you consider my proposal and think of the benefit of this world and all who are in it. Thank you."
His speech was met with silence. It was not necessarily a sign that it was ill-received. It was a risky prospect to be too open about your advocacy for the mage community. Accusations of the Mage Ban being flouted while the authorities looked the other way had become common both between nations and within them. No one wanted to face a serious investigation by ARCANUM, lest they bring the entire House League down upon their heads.
Monrovius Jacobinus of Aquila rose from his seat and said, "I motion to refer Master Samuhel's proposal to the Magical Affairs Select Committee for further discussion to then present their findings to the General Assembly."
Another one of Aquila's representatives, Henricus Cornelius then rose, saying, "I second the motion."
So long as they did not represent the same territory or a vassal of the territory making the motion, you could have another representative from the same nation second a motion. As such, the President had no reason to object to calling for a vote.
"All in favor of referring Master Samuhel's proposal to repeal the Mage Ban and reinstitute the Mages' Guilds to the Magical Affairs Select Committee, say aye."
The overwhelming majority responded with "Aye."
"All opposed, same sign."
The opposition's ayes were fewer and more scattered, mostly concentrated with the representatives of Dar es-Salaam. No doubt Sheikh Jamal's influence was a significant factor.
The President then said, "The proposal will be referred to the Magical Affairs Select Committee, to be brought to the General Assembly at their pleasure. Now, moving on to the next order of business..."
So they decided to play for time. How typical of them, but there was some hope at least. The select committee only had ten members. It would be much easier for the guilds to focus their lobbying efforts there to get a favorable result. An endorsement from the select committee could prove to be just the push they needed to see their dream realized. Of course there was an undeniable element of self-interest, but this truly could benefit the whole world. A restored mage economy and the knowledge of the Ancients. Whatever they had to give, it would be worth it.