Chapter 19
Turnabout is Fair Play
7th of Fourthmoon, Saintclair 12
E27, Elsanto Mountains, Neveland

As soon as the tribunal was adjourned, the major officers on the Junker Jorg were called together to the conference room. Root wasn't looking forward to whatever Tofels' latest scheme was, but it was Captain Saxon who took the Blackamoor to task.
"Centurion, I'm sure you have a very good reason to call us here after putting us through that farce of a tribunal."
"I acted in the interest of justice, the mission and the safety of the crew," Tofels said, lying through his teeth, " but perhaps we have lost valuable time. The Palatinians are still out there and we must strike and strike now."
Root had to keep himself from rolling his eyes. Who was going to be on the chopping block this time?
"And how do you propose we do that?" Captain Saxon asked.
"My boys have been working on the prisoners," Tofels replied. "We know the location of their ship. It's damaged. They've already suffered a lot of casualties. It'll be a quick, clean sweep."
"Easy to say," Captain Saxon said. "Not so easy to do."
Tofels wasn't going to be deterred, no matter how much sense Captain Saxon made.
"The Palatinians took this ship with less than forty men," he said. "We can do the same. I will commit every able-bodied Blackamoor I have, the remainder of Second Section and some civilian volunteers to round out the numbers. They proved to be effective in Lieutenant Maartens' little scheme and I will make use of them again."
At least this time Tofels was committing his own men, but that didn't make this plan any less crazy than the last couple outings. It was even crazier, but that wasn't going to stop him.
"Get me the map," Tofels said.
Pulver spread out the map on the table. Tofels took a grease pen and circled a mountain, saying, "We are here and according to our intelligence, the Palatinians' ship is here." He circled another mountain to the northwest, then traced a line between them. "All we have to do is follow the ridge. We will take two of the trucks, two buggies and a jeep."
"That's not exactly the easiest terrain for a deuce and a half to handle," Root said.
"You're going to have to make it work, Lieutenant," the Centurion insisted. "You and Maniple Chief Forcas will share command."
"Lieutenant Crestoa will be in command," Captain Romsky said.
Tofels wasn't expecting any interference from the Captain, who continued, "You are boarding an enemy ship. Lieutenant Crestoa is our boarding and prize officer. Ergo, he'll command the expedition."
Tofels considered it for a moment before conceding the point.
"Very well," he said. "By my estimate, it will take two to four hours to reach your destination depending on conditions. You will have to set out soon if you want to make it before nightfall."
"What about the actual mission target?" Root asked. In truth, he had very nearly forgotten about it himself.
"We can get to that once we've taken care of the Palatinians," Tofels said.
"What, you expect us to kill 'em all?"
Tofels narrowed his eyes and said, "I expect you to do what's necessary, Lieutenant. I want everyone assembled and ready to move in the next thirty minutes."
"Is there anything else, Centurion?" Captain Romsky asked.
"That's all."
"Then I suppose you're all dismissed."
So that was it then. They were throwing everything they into a mad revenge hit that could easily get them all killed. The alternative was any dissenters getting lined up against the bulkhead and shot. Root knew that their odds were better against the Palatinians, so that was what they were going to do.